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Lawyers professionally commited to you



We take a professional, as well as a personal interest in every matter we work on.


We are attuned to thinking through legal problems and finding solutions outside the sometimes restrictive traditional court framework. We always encourage clients to consider not just the immediate problem, but also whether there are any wider strategic implications associated with the presentation of a particular line of argument or the pursuit of a particular course of action.


In all areas we practice, we strive to deliver our services in a professional, honest and ethical manner as well as to maintain the highest standards of excellence and integrity. 


Commercial Litigation

Our firm is founded upon a strong and successful history in commercial and insurance litigation.


We have efficiently and successfully handled claims from $15,000 to more than $100M. We have the intellectual knowledge and practical know-how to professionally manage claims of any size in any court in Australia to secure the very best legal result for our clients.


Whether your dispute relates to a business contract, lease, partnership agreement, taxation, equity, debt recovery, property, banking or finance, we would love to help solve your legal problem.

Wills & Estates

Formulating a new Will


Death is something most people want to avoid thinking about, however, do not underestimate how important your Will really is to your partner, your children, your relatives and any other people you wish to look after, regardless of the value of your assets.


RSA Law can assist you to structure your Will to make sure your estate goes to the people you intended to look after,  giving you peace of mind that your last wishes will be fulfilled.


Challenging Wills & Estates


Are you the Executor of a Will that is being challenged by somebody claiming they have not been adequately provided for under the Will?


Have you been left out of a Will and believe you should not have been?


Speak to us for advice as to how to best handle your circumstances.


Our lawyers have a track record for defending claims against Estate challenges by local and interstate firms, including cases in which very senior lawyers have said were unwinnable. We have also successfully challenged Wills for people have been left with little or nothing and obtained very good outcomes for our clients.

Civil & General Litigation


Compulsory Acquisition

A person’s right to property is a fundamental human right.


When the government forcibly acquires property, that fundamental right is forever destroyed. This can have devastating effects on a person’s home, business or investment/retirement strategy. The only remedy available is financial compensation.


If your property is under threat it is vital you speak to us at the earliest opportunity to give us the chance of helping you understand your legal rights and how best to structure and successfully pursue your claim for compensation in this regrettably complex area of law. Our firm for years has helped more people facing compulsory acquisition in South Australia than any other law firm.


There is no need for you to worry about our firm’s legal fees. We remove that stress factor by charging only court scale fees as part of our commitment to the South Australian community, and in every claim we have run, we have recovered all our fees from the acquiring authority.

Employment Law

For years we have assisted employers with hundreds of employees and contractors, to entities with one or two people in employment law.


We also help employees to pursue their rightful claims in workers compensation, unfair dismissal, underpayment of wages and many other types of claims.


We are independently driven, widely respected and unlike most law firms in South Australia, have our own highly experienced in-house counsel capable of competently running trials and appeals in courts and tribunals at all levels. We are never troubled by the opposing law firm, the barristers they use, the union or employer organisation involved. We focus purely on your problem, and how to best solve it.

Commercial Drafting

Our experience in commercial litigation makes us acutely aware of likely areas of dispute that should be addressed when drafting legal agreements.


Thoughtful document preparation personalised to suit your circumstances can significantly minimise risks of tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars on legal expenses being wasted in future legal disputes. It also can avoid the inevitable distress and disruption to the lives of business owners, directors, employers, employees, landlords, tenants and other stakeholders that comes from being dragged through disputes involving the court system sometimes for years.

Family Law

Although there is no future in the past, it is still necessary to resolve the past to be able to get on with your future in the best way possible. We do not like to waste your money or time but are independently driven to protect your interests in this often highly emotionally charged area of law in the very best way we can.


Whether your marriage is legally registered or a defacto relationship, we help bring property settlement disputes to an end economically and efficiently. We focus on how best to manage your personal circumstances and the legal issues confronting you, irrespective of the extent of the assets of the relationship, the accounting, corporate and trust complexities, as well as the personalities of the parties (and sometimes their lawyers).

Personal Injury Claims

Motor Vehicle, Workers Compensation, Medical and Professional Negligence and Occupiers Liability


If you have been injured at work, in a car accident, by a medical professional or through the neglect of a property owner or Council, the last thing you will want to do is to have to manage your own personal injury claim. Obtaining appropriate medical treatment and doing your best to recuperate from your injuries is often the best you can reasonably achieve.


RSA Law recognises that while compensation won’t fix the pain, suffering or disability you experience, it will help you and your dependents to get through life a little easier.


Our lawyers enjoy assisting people who have been wrongfully injured to recover the highest award of compensation they can achieve.


Feel free to ask whether the terms of our no win no fee agreement is best suited to your personal circumstances. Whether you participate in it or not, our assurance is that we will not compromise the quality of care and attention we give your case in fighting for your rights to be compensated fairly.  

Property Law

RSA Law has many years of experience in drafting leases and in resolving complex landlord and tenant disputes efficiently and effectively, usually without courts being involved, however where necessary, with court assistance.


Whether you are a business or residential landlord, property manager or tenant, we can help with the drafting of suitable lease agreements, as well as protecting all of your property, business and personal interests should the need arise.


The old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never harm me” is not good law in Australia.


Defamation can seriously injure a person by causing personal trauma and financial loss. When this happens compensation may be available to cover all such losses.


However it is lawful to defame an individual if the person making the statement can establish one of a number of defences. For example no compensation will be payable if the person can demonstrate the statement they made was true or substantially true, based upon an honest and reasonably held opinion, constituted fair comment, was contextually not defamatory, attracted qualified privilege or falls within the exception of Parliamentary privilege.


At RSA Law our lawyers have for decades assisted victims of defamation to claim compensation, and have also defended defamation claims in South Australia as well as nationally. We assist people to understand and resolve the disputes in what can be a very complex area of the law. 

Voluntary Administration & Insolvency

Whether you are a liquidator seeking to recover assets of an entity under external administration, a company director or their close associate, or a business facing a voidable disposition type claim by a liquidator, the lawyers at RSA Law can help solve your legal problem.


We have decades of combined experience, knowledge and practical know-how in settling claims, running trials and appeals, including where necessary and appropriate, using our experienced team of in-house counsel.

Building Law

Our priority is to resolve commercial and residential building disputes efficiently and effectively. When they are not resolved in this way, builders and property owners suffer disruption, inconvenience, financial loss and reputational damage. All the while the legal expenses escalate.


Many firms represent both builders and property owners. However RSA Law, unlike most other Australian law firms, has the ability to use its own experienced in-house counsel to either secure the best possible settlement outcome for its clients, or if settlement is not possible, to conduct trials, arbitrations and any legal appeals in relation to any type of building claim.

Wills & Estates
Civil & General Litigation
Compulsory Acquisition
Employment & Workers Compensation Law
Commercial Litigation
Family Law
Personal Injury Claims
Property Law
Voluntary Administration & Insolvency
Building Law


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Level 1, 33 Angas St, Adelaide SA 5000

Tel: +61 8 8212 2001

Fax: +61 8 8212 2051

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